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Simple Living from Multcolib My Librarian Heather

Simple living means many things to many people. It can mean voluntarily reducing your possessions to live more within your means, resist conspicuous consumption, or to reduce your ecological footprint, or it can mean working less to gain more time to spend doing the things you love.

Multnomah County Library

6 items

  • The Joy of Less

    a Minimalist Living Guide : How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life

    Jay, Francine,
    The market (and bookshelves) are now overpopulated with simple living, decluttering, and minimalist books, but this one (though recent) is a gem in its field.
    BookMedford, NJ : Anja Press, [2010] — 646.7 J422j 2010
  • The Art of Simple Living

    100 Daily Practices From a Japanese Zen Monk for a Lifetime of Calm and Joy

    Masuno, Shunmyō,
    Simple habits for a simple life.
    BookNew York : Penguin Books, [2019] — 294.34432 M424z 2019
  • Goodbye, Things

    the New Japanese Minimalism

    Sasaki, Fumio, 1979-
    Let it go.
    BookNew York : W.W. Norton & Company, 2017. — 179.9 S2521g 2017
  • The inspiration for Marie Kondo's phenomenon, recently translated.
    BookNew York : St. Martins Griffin, 2017. — 646.7 L868a 2017
  • Voluntary Simplicity

    Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich

    Elgin, Duane
    Voluntary Simplicity is a movement that promotes the idea that those with the most, can make do with a little less so that those with less, may have a little more.
    BookNew York : Harper, ©2010. — 179.9 E41v 2010