the American Legacy of Land Theft and the Modern Movement for Black Land Ownership
"The 2025 Black History Month theme, African Americans, and Labor, focuses on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds – free and unfree, skilled, and unskilled, vocational and voluntary – intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Indeed, work is at the very center of much of Black history and culture." - from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History This Black History Month, check out a book (or several!) from this list to expand your knowledge about seen and unseen labor carried out by the Black community. Organized by publication date, this list focuses on a variety of labor performed by the Black community, from agriculture to nursing, from entertainment to prison labor.
16 items
the American Legacy of Land Theft and the Modern Movement for Black Land Ownership
the Roots of the Black Working Class
Black Communist Women's Political Writing
How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation
Notes in Praise of Black Performance
the Life and Times of a Black Wobbly
America's First Meritocracy
Black Labor in the Making of America
a Story of African American Midwives
Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement
Alabama Communists During the Great Depression
Black Women and Convict Labor in the New South
Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality
Black Women and Work
An Oral History of Segregation, Unionism, and the Freedom Struggle
You've viewed 16 of 16 items