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Multcolib Research Picks - House History: Color Scheme and Design Books

Several books have been written about the history of color design in the United States. Most focus on exterior color schemes, but some also discuss historic uses of interior color. Also, remember that the library's picture file (in the Art & Music Room on the third floor at Central Library) has many many files of pictures of house interiors, exteriors, and architectural details.

Multnomah County Library

9 items

  • The Vintage House Book

    Classic American Homes, 1880-1980

    Burness, Tad, 1933-
    This book is more like a scrapbook than anything else: color and black-and-white photographs, reproductions of advertisements, catalogs, and newspaper articles are carefully arranged by date. Interiors, exteriors, floor plans, and building…
    BookIola, Wis. : Krause, c2003. — 728.0973 B963v 2003
  • House Colors

    Exterior Color by Style of Architecture

    Hershman, Susan
    Advice for color design by architectural style and period.
    BookSalt Lake City : Gibbs Smith, 2007. — 698.12 H572h 2007
  • Century of Color

    Exterior Decoration for American Buildings, 1820-1920

    Moss, Roger W., 1940-
    BookWatkins Glen, N.Y. : American Life Foundation, 1981. — 729 M913c
  • Paint in America

    the Colors of Historic Buildings

    UnknownWashington, D.C. : Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation, [1994] — 698.14 P1474
  • America's Painted Ladies

    the Ultimate Celebration of Our Victorians

    Pomada, Elizabeth
    BookNew York : Dutton Studio Books, ©1992. — 728.37 P784a